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Event Type: Kids
Date: 6/23/2020
Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Time: 4:00 PM
 Let's play Virtual Kids Bingo. Join Zoom Meeting Link: Create your own 5 BINGO CARDS. Players use cards that feature five columns of five squares each, with every square containing a number (except the middle square, which is designated a "FREE" space). The columns are labeled "B" (numbers 1–15), "I" (numbers 16–30), "N" (numbers 31–45), "G" (numbers 46–60), and "O" (numbers 61–75). Listen to the Caller for each number. EVERYONE THAT PARTICIPATES IS A WINNER! Program for Pre-k through 4th grade. SPECIAL NOTE: PARENTS AND CARETAKERS CAN ASSIST! ASK FOR CODE WORD AT THE END OF THE PROGRAM TO GAIN TICKET FOR SRP. or email me
   Library Location
Location: Zoom (Virtual Program)
Registration Ends: 6/23/2020 at 12:00 PM
Presenter: Ms Sherry
Status: Closed

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